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Website helps calculate Luxembourg net-income salary

Are you one of those people whose eyes instantly focus on the bottom figure of your wage slip when you get it? Do you in fact know what all the figures and deductions above actually represent?

(ADW) Are you one of those people whose eyes instantly focus on the bottom figure of your wage slip when you get it? Do you in fact know what all the figures and deductions above actually represent? Possibly you've been disappointed from the take-home pay of a new job in Luxembourg that doesn't quite match what you were originally offered.

There's a simple website that has been around for about a month now to help you clearly calculate your net pay. www.calculatrice.lu is available in several languages including English and runs you through a few simple steps to calculate your net income using your gross salary and specific Luxembourg tax-related questions: Your activity (intellectual or manual), tax category (single, married etc), advantages (extra income etc) and transport costs.

If you are starting a new job, it's a clever way of working out just how much money you will end up with at the end of the month.

The site does not claim to be 100% accurate to the last cent, but is a good guide to net income forecasting.

Although the site is a privately concern, it point out that it uses “methods defined by the Luxembourg state for calculating salaries”.

Check out the website: www.calculatrice.lu

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